Individual Donors
When you donate to Annie Malone Children and Family Service Center, you are making a difference in the lives of children.
Allison Allman
William & Alfreda Arbuthnot
Dick Arnoldy
Kevin Arrow
Randy Berzon-Mikloas
Carmella Blockton
John Bowman
Pamela Boyd
Sandura Bragg
Gary & Patricia Brandt
Chrisena Brown
Leatha Brown
James & Faye Buck
James Buck
Congresswoman Cori A. Bush
W. Campbell
Ralph and Pam Caraffa
Juanita Carpenter
Dorothy Cash
Kathy Chandler
William & Carol Clay
Lawrence Cohn
Beverly & John Coiro
Molly Cole
Tanshanee Cole
Renee Waterford Cooley
Kimberley Crouch
Elliott Davis
Leon Davison
Janet Dickerson
Chassidy Dodd
Bertha Dorsey
Deirdra Dyson
Daniel Dykas
Arline Eyermann
John & Mary Faszholz
Leo Fiehner
Eunice Filar
G, H
Lionel Gist
Leroy Grant
Lynn Gruebbeling
Eleanor Gund
William C. Harris
Dana Harding
Marilyn Hart
Darla Hemrick
Gary Hickman
Howlette & Monica Huddleston
John & Kimberly Henderson
LaTisha Howard
Virgil Johnson
Rahson Jordan
Chris Jones
Damion Jones
Deanna Jones
Ebony Jones
S. Kartha
Dana Kelly
Linda Kibby
Callie Ann & Daniel Koehr
Anita & Douglas Koontz
Sarah Kroll
Sara Lahman
Lindsey Lester-Brutscher
Joe Light
Kay S. Lind
Bianca Logan
Steven Masker
Tony Mack
Cozy Marks
Karl Mayberry
Thomas McDonough
Sabrina McField
LaMonica McKissic
Calvin Miles
Barbara & Robert Miner
James L. Moore
Melanie Moore
Patrick & Mary Ann Moore
Helga Worth Morgan
Dr. Stacy Lynne Myton
Cathy Neal
Dr. Zachary Newland
Joseph O’Brien
Cathy O’Brien
Niravkumar Patel
Ronald & Laura Parli
Tiara Peach
Lionel Phillips
Tom & Kelly Pollihan
Jeanne & David Puettmann
Q,R, S
Bernard Randolph
Willie Riley
Moses Rogers
Milton Rudi
Stan & Carl Rull
Dwight Santagato
Tracy Schmidt
CoryElle Scott
Marsha Jones Scott
Martha Schaffer
Michael & Angela Shea
Ruth Siteman
Dee Anne Sjorgen
Amy Slonim
Maria Smedley
Patrick Smith
Walter Smith
David Stockton
Christopher Struttmann
Wallace Torry
Matthew Wagner
Sarah Wright
T,U, V
Ernestine Tate
Dolores Taylor
Jennifer Taussig
Sherry Temple
John Thomas
Mavis T. Thompson, Esq.
William Topp III
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Our programs and agency are entirely funded through donations and grants. If you would like to support our work and our clients, please click below.

Annie Malone Children & Family Service Center would like to thank you for considering us for your volunteer service. The dedication of your time and talents will help the Agency accomplish its mission – to improve the quality of life for children, families, elderly and the community, by providing social services, educational programs, advocacy and entrepreneurship.